Category: Papacy

What Scripture ACTUALLY Says About the Eucharist

May 24, 2023
In today's episode, hosts John Heinen and Sam Guzman discuss the actual teachings of the Eucharist relying on the words from the Holy Scripture. We go through the Scripture and pull out 5 different sections in the Bible to prove the truth of the Eucharist that all men must understand. We rely heavily on other Scripture verses to further support these primary verses. Men, the Eucharist can transform you; read, pray, and learn to love Christ in the Eucharist.

Unlocking the Genius of Pope Benedict XVI: Lessons for Modern Men

May 18, 2023
Today we discuss Pope Benedict XVI's legacy and its relevance for men today. John and Sam are joined by Dr. Roland Milliare, an expert on Pope Benedict's teachings, to explore his profound thoughts, influence, and life of our previous Holy Father, as well as his impact on our lives and contemporary masculinity. In this thought-provoking conversation, Dr. Milliare provides practical insights on faith, virtue, and personal growth, guiding listeners toward a deeper understanding of authentic manhood in the modern world. We leave men with additional themes and material worth continually pursuing.

American Ninja Warrior, Sean Bryan on Peak Performance and Evangelization

November 30, 2022
Today, American Ninja Warrior and Catholic evangelist, Sean Bryan, discusses how his life has brought him to the peak of physical performance and how it is all done through the Holy Spirit. He has a passionate and clear understanding of the Faith and he lives that in his actions, insights, and missionary work off the course. We talk about his choice of the moniker, "Papal Ninja", how the Church lacks in forming men today, and what Sean and his apostolate, Lay Mission Project, are doing to fill that void.

St. John Paul II’s Message to America is More Timely Than Ever

November 4, 2020
I share the following homily of John Paul II from October 8, 1995 at Camden Yards, Baltimore, slightly edited for clarity. It is short and to the point, and in these divided times, it reminds our nation of eternal truths that are more relevant and timely than ever.  “Oh, that today you would hear his […]

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The Biblical Boots of the Papacy

January 20, 2015
Do you remember that one scene in Toy Story when Sheriff Woody, unsure of his vocation, doubts his authority over the rest of the gang? Woody’s been insulted and abandoned, his motives have been questioned, threats to domestic security are only getting scarier, and he’s feeling very, well, very human. It’s been a long story, […]

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